
The Drexler Sibbet Team Performance Certification Intensive



McNeil Consulting Inc. conducts workshops for certifying candidates to use the Drexler Sibbet Team Performance Program. The workshop is conducted over a three-day period. Following the three-day workshop, participants must contract with a team, use the model, and report their experience.

This workshop is for seasoned Human Resource Professionals looking to enhance their interpersonal and consulting skills for improving team performance though the use of the Drexler Sibbet Team Performance Model and regenerative dialogue.


This workshop is specifically designed to certify you to make use of the Drexler Sibbet Team Performance Inventory to assess a team’s performance. The Inventory is scored and normed and a 25-page report is prepared and customized for the team that contains recommendations for improving the team’s performance as well as team leader feedback. This training is essential to understanding and working with the Inventory and the Report.

The Workshop

This intensive experience emphasizes the facilitation process and the development of the interpersonal skills needed to help teams move toward high performance. The workshop includes all of the following:

  • Mastering the Action Research Model of collecting, publishing, owning, and converting the team’s assessment into real information that can be used to create action plans for continuous improvement.
  • Understanding the Drexler Sibbet Team Performance Model and Inventory as powerful interventions to help teams confront their difficulties, improve their processes, and achieve their potential.
  • Contracting with the team and the team leader to facilitate the assessment as well as the discussion on how to move the team forward.
  • Learning how to administer the Team Performance Inventory, organize the results, confront the issues, and manage the entire process from contracting through action planning.
  • Creating a safe place for critical dialogue to occur while surfacing difficult “undiscussibles.”
  • Managing the regenerative dialogue and facilitating the Team Performance Workshop – both integral steps in attaining extraordinary team performance.
  • Using silence effectively and taking care to invite non-verbal members to say what they need to say to the team.
  • Maintaining authenticity while confronting defenses between and among team members and encouraging an honest and open conversation to build or rebuild trust.
  • Coaching the team leader throughout the process and working with them to renew the team’s vision, mission, and strategy.
  • Consulting with the team to craft definitive action plans to monitor their progress and celebrate their wins.
  • Conducting the follow-up session and creating a cadence for continuous improvement.

Benefits to You

There are clear and lasting benefits you will get from participating in this session.

Specifically, you will be able to:

  • Read group dynamics effectively. You will practice observing group behavior and keeping the group dialogue in the “here and now.”
  • Intervene appropriately while projecting confidence and stability.
  • Use yourself as an instrument for improving the group dynamic. Without taking over, you will be able to point out defensive routines such as irrelevant competition, projection and denial.
  • Introduce humor to lighten tense situations and enable group members to get back on track.
  • Keep time effectively, allowing healthy regenerative dialogue to continue while pulling the group out of unnecessary detours or bypasses when necessary.
  • Make use of the story-telling technique for debriefing a group dialogue and reinforcing important discoveries.
  • Make design changes on the spot by identifying teachable moments and making use of the practices in the Drexler Sibbet Manual.
  • Design, manage, and facilitate a complete team building experience from entry and contracting through action planning.

Click the blue bar below to learn more about the workshops we offer.

Learn to Facilitate Workshop


Learning how to facilitate Meeting Designs will dramatically improve your ability to aid teams in discovering how they can take actions that will move them to higher levels of performance. This workshop combines Facilitation Skills Training with a solid Action Research Foundation. It’s based on learning 25 Classic Action Research Designs for collecting, publishing, understanding, and taking action. I guarantee that participating fully in this workshop will take your facilitation skills to a whole new level.

Real Skill Development

The skills of collecting group data, publishing it, comprehending it, and acting on it are all systematically covered in this unique workshop. Each Action Design builds on the one before it, creating a natural progression of Action Research, which allows time for practice, reflection, and feedback. Participants are immersed in this work from the moment they enter the workshop. Working in pairs, participants learn how to:

  • Facilitate classic Action Research Designs from the information provided in the materials
  • Design meetings and team experiences that bring out team issues and move performance forward
  • Read group dynamics in the moment – the missing skill that today’s leaders need
  • Recognize your own feelings and mange them effectively in meetings
  • Make powerful interventions to refocus your team and improve their performance
  • Use silence, pauses, and other simple, powerful techniques to help team members reflect on the group process
  • Design “on the spot” to help teams change course and movie away from unproductive processes

Throughout the session, the participants experience strong norms of support, leading to a constructive learning laboratory in which to build risk taking, and honest feedback. Each participant experiments with moving out of their comfort zone and experiencing the exhilaration of learning new skills in a supportive environment.

The Workbook and the Experience

Robert McNeil’s e-book, Moving Experiences: 25 Great Designs Every Facilitator Must Know is used in this workshop. Action Research is taught from the design point of view. Each meeting design is self-contained and guides the team though a series of instructions that leads to highly productive outcomes. You will be immersed in Action Research from the very beginning of this workshop and learn from facilitating and participating in the designs. At the end of the workshop you will have a new array of designs that you can apply in practical ways with real teams.

The workshop unfolds over three and a half days with each design building on the previous one. As a participant, you will also lead the team in open feedback sessions where each participant learns what he or she could have done differently. This workshop has proven to be an effective team building experience for managers interested in learning how to read group dynamics and facilitate project work.

The Designs

We also give special attention to making interventions in the moment heighten the facilitator’s awareness of effective group process. All of the designs emphasize telling the truth, acting on choice, and reflecting on experience (self awareness).

The Action Research Designs in the workshop are divided into Seven Categories:

  • Opening Designs
  • Diagnostic – Data Collection Designs
  • Discovery Designs
  • Decision-Making Designs
  • Feedback Designs
  • Ending Designs
  • Designing on the Spot

Practical Value

High-level meeting facilitation is a complex skill. It is learned through repeated practice over time. This workshop delivers a solid foundation on which the participant can build a practice. The exercises are taught through the concept of design so that the principles learned can be applied in a variety of settings. Real value comes through each and every meeting successfully facilitated. The return on your investment comes from increased team performance and strategy execution. If you can meet better than your competition you generate better ideas and you implement those better ideas more quickly, and at a lowered cost. We have seen real value returned over and over again by investing in your high potential leaders and developing their skills for designing, convening, and facilitating critical meetings.

Optional Clinic

Many participants choose to enroll in the voluntary “clinic” held approximately six weeks following the session. This experience helps those who attended the workshop to reinforce the skills learned while discussing what worked well and what was challenging in applying the concepts covered in the workshop. The clinic is a one-day review staffed by our top facilitators. Completion of the facilitation workshop and the clinic certifies the participant as being professionally trained in Action Research Facilitation. Certification allows the participant to attend our annual updates to further enhance their skill set while networking with other highly trained professionals.